[PC]请勿伤害 Do No Harm v 1.0.3 | Torrent Free Download

liyuancai 2025-03-13 23

Do No Harm is a doctor simulator that is an unusual mixture of medical practice and Lovecraftian horror. In a small, isolated village, gamers take on the role of a doctor who must diagnose and treat patients using an unusual Book of Medicine. In the title, you will have to navigate not only the medical secrets of that time, but also the terrible forces that affect reality. Here you will have to make difficult decisions that will not only affect the lives of your patients, but also determine the plot denouement.

Will you be able to keep your sanity in the face of increasing pressure? The title offers a number of complex moral dilemmas, each of which entails consequences that permeate the entire narrative. As the days drag on, strange phenomena and nightmarish entities appear that distort your perception and make it difficult to discern reality. The decisions you make – whether you’re saving a life or dooming it – have a direct impact on your reputation and how the villagers interact with you.

It’s a delicate balance as you try to keep your sanity while treating increasingly strange symptoms. Do No Harm also brings a unique touch to medical treatments, allowing you to experiment with treatments inspired by early modern medicine. Although you turn to your Book of Medicine for advice, you may find yourself doubting what you’ve learned, especially when the line between reality and hallucinations blurs.


《请勿伤害》(Do No Harm)是一款医生模拟器游戏,它将医疗实践与洛夫克拉夫特式的恐怖元素进行了独特融合。在一个与世隔绝的小村庄里,玩家将扮演一名医生,需要借助一本奇特的医学书籍来诊断和治疗病人。在这款游戏中,你不仅要钻研那个时代的医学奥秘,还要应对影响现实的恐怖力量。在这里,你将面临艰难的抉择,这些抉择不仅会影响病人的生命,还会决定剧情的走向。








