[PC]那不是我的邻居 That’s not my Neighbor v | Torrent Free Download

liyuancai 2025-03-14 11

《那不是我的邻居》(That’s not my Neighbor)是一款以工作为主题的游戏,故事发生在1955年,当时替身越来越多地出现。玩家扮演一座多单元公寓楼的看门人,必须应对一种不同寻常且紧张的情况,即负责查验试图进入大楼的人员。该游戏的核心主题是判断哪些访客是真正的住户,哪些是冒充者,后者可能构成潜在威胁。




That’s not my Neighbor is a work title set in 1955, at a time when doppelgängers are appearing more frequently. As an apartment building doorman, gamers must deal with an unusual and tense situation where they are tasked with checking on people trying to gain access to the building. The central theme of the title is to determine which of the visitors is the real occupant and which is an impostor who poses a potential threat.

An important role in this process is played by the Double Identification Department, whose agents are on constant standby and ready to expose those who do not belong to them. Users are given a set of tools and documents to evaluate each applicant, so the thoroughness of observations is crucial. The atmosphere in That’s not my Neighbor is filled with a sense of uncertainty, which requires gamers to be vigilant and make quick decisions.

The task is simple, but the consequences can be far-reaching. Passing the wrong person into the building can lead to serious consequences, including the possible exposure of real residents. As the plot progresses, users encounter different types of characters, each with unique traits and motivations. The video game has multiple endings based on users’ choices, allowing for a variety of outcomes depending on their decisions.




